Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning , Next-Generation Technologies & Secure Development
Assessing AI Security Solutions: Questions to Ask
Nat Smith of Gartner Offers Advice on Cutting Through the HypeNat Smith, senior director security analyst at Gartner, describes what factors potential buyers should consider when vendors pitch artificial intelligence-enabled security solutions.
Smith recommends security leaders ask vendors questions to help navigate through the AI hype, such as, "How frequently are the models updated? What data is used to build the model? How are you finding this information?"
In a video interview with Information Security Media Group, Smith discusses:
- Essential questions security leaders should ask vendors to cut through the AI hype;
- Potential use cases of AI in security and the types of AI being employed;
- How organizations can keep up with the pace at which AI is evolving.
Smith is a senior director security analyst in the technology and service provider division of Gartner, researching emerging technology and trends for technology product leaders. Smith researches technology, markets and trends affecting network security, especially AI and machine learning.