5 Top Security Threats to Credit Unions
In an exclusive interview, Hyland discusses:
- 5 top security threats;
- State of credit unions looking toward 2011;
- What regulatory reform means to credit unions.
During her tenure, Hyland has spearheaded a number of key initiatives. She recently hosted and moderated a two-day Symposium to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Federal Credit Union Act. The Symposium provided a forum for robust and frank conversation about credit unions' unique business model and its future sustainability. In December 2008, she launched a supplemental capital initiative to review and formulate the agency's policy position on this critical issue. In 2007, she served as Chair of NCUA's Outreach Task Force and helped author the Task Force's report. The Task Force was created to provide a better understanding of and evaluation of the NCUA's outreach efforts, credit union service documentation requirements, and executive compensation disclosure. That same year, she facilitated a summit to discuss payday lending alternatives and credit unions' involvement in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. An innovator and strategic thinker, Hyland initiated the use of webinar technology at NCUA and has fostered direct communication with examiners and regional offices at the agency to assure alignment of policy decisions and examination practice.
Hyland serves as NCUA's representative on the NeighborWorks® America Board of Directors. She also serves as the Board's liaison to the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), other international organizations and the Export/Import Bank. Hyland's term expires August 2, 2011.