Live Webinar: Micro-Segmentation for Risk Reduction, Audit and Compliance in Finance
Why micro-segmentation? The perimeter doesn't stop all bad actors from making it inside data centers and cloud environments. Regardless of how many detection technologies your financial organization may use, something is bound to get through - a new virus, phishing emails, or a bad actor threatening from within.
Instead of using traditional firewall rules, a micro-segmentation solution should use high-level, natural language policies to describe desired application behavior - not infrastructure architecture. This lets you consolidate thousands of machine-readable firewall rules into dozens of human-readable policies, making compliance regulations such as SWIFT and GDPR easier and empowering your security team to describe and enforce policy across today's increasingly complex, hybrid, distributed, dynamic environments.
Register now for this webinar to learn;
- Global banking's most pressing issues regarding risk management, audits and compliance;
- Different micro-segmentation strategies and which one could most benefit your organization;
- How to take a risk-based approach to security by assessing the potential impact of a perfect breach.